Pine сосна
Sun and water are questions endlessly with answering.
Alder ольха Spikes шипы [[Chinquapin]] каштановые плоды Pollen пыльца Spiny колючий Poplar тополь Persimmons хурма Walnuts грецкий орех Rowan рябина [[Hawthorn]] боярышник Laurels лавры Willow ива [[Acacia]] акация [[Mangroves]] мангровое дерево Nutmeg мускатный орех Stilts ходули Gnarled baja elephant trunks
8 The drat arrives in ‘63 [[Vietnam war]]
A leaf of grass is no less than a journey-work of the stars.
ruse - уловка words strikes him as a ruse - слова кажутся ему уловкой.
maize - кукуруза squash - тыква, кабачок, репа
acrid - едко gammy - гарью sour - кисло
undergarments - нижнее белье thimbleful - наперсток bushels - 36.4 litres, 8 gallons. used for corn gravies - соус drought засуха parched - сухой [[Appomattox*]] tilling - возделывать plowing - вспашки roguing - рыхление weeding - прополка
threshes - молотит reaps - пожинает binds - связывает
bellows - вопит, рычит fissures - трещины bulks out - увеличивается, разрастается bark - кора [[Trajan’s Column]]
scalloped - бугристые, зубчатые tissue - ткань abides - выносить, терпеть dapple - покрывать, накрывать
Seven hundred years before, a chestnut in Sicily two hundred feet around sheltered a Spanish queen and a hundred mounted knights from a raging storm. - [[Tree of the Hundred Horses*]]
embrace - объять sentinel - часовой, страж outings - прогулки, вылазки grain - зерно prospers - процветать
11 He buys himself a [[Kodak №2 Brownie*]]. You push the button, we do the rest.
calico - ситец mechanical clothes mangle - механическая катушка для белья swaybacked draft horse - тяжеловозная лошадь с провисшей спиной bonnets - чепец [[Garrote]]d by bow ties - задушенный галстуками-бабочками coeval - ровесник [[Zoopraxiscope]]
broncos - полудикая лошадь
12 farmers are patient men tried by brutal seasons, and if they weren’t plagued by dreams of generation, few would keep plowing, spring after spring. scorch - ожог hue of cinnamon - оттенок корицы lop off - отрубать, очищать деревья
They spray a trees with a lime and copper sulfate from horse-drawn wagons
tanning industry - кожевенная промышленность railroad ties - железнодорожные шпалы rural economies - сельская экономика
blight - болезнь растения write off - списать sunk costs - безвозвратные издержки vindication - оправдание conflagration - пожарище cauldron - котел
Saint-Mihiel, Argonne, near Montfaucon - WW1 - Meuse–Argonne offensive–Argonne_offensive AEF - American Expeditionary Forces was a major part of the final Allied offensive of World War I that stretched along the entire Western Front. It was fought from September 26, 1918, until the Armistice of November 11, 1918, a total of 47 days. The Meuse–Argonne offensive was the largest in United States military history, involving 1.2 million French, Siamese, and American soldiers, sailors and marines France, United States, Siam vs. Germany
14 Appalachians Carolinas boles - стволы straight-grained wood - прямослойная древесина yield - приносить, доход, выработка shin-deep - по голень ridgelines - хребет perched - взгромоздился loggers - лесорубы nascent - зарождающийся
Tennessee Southern Illinois
15 adolescent - подросток St. Olaf’s Day (Olsok) - July 29 is traditionally the date of the death of King Olaf at the Battle of Stiklestad, north of Nidaros (Trondheim), Norway, in 1030. King Olaf’s martyrdom at Stiklestad appears to have contributed decisively to establishing Christianity throughout the nation of Norway.
viewfinder - видоискатель xylem - ксилема Xylem is the vascular tissue of plants responsible for transporting water and dissolved minerals throughout the plant. It is arranged in vascular bundles together with phloem, another vessel which transports sugar and nutrients. Perennial plants and trees add a secondary xylem layer with each year of growth.
Iowa sinister - зловещий catkins - серёжки steadfast - стойкий reticent - сдержанный
More than twelve hundred places east of the Mississippi have the word “Chestnut” in them. But you have to come to a rural country in western Iowa to lay eyes on one.
Instamatic - Kodak Instamatic 700 1965 Vintage Film Camera - Kodak Ektanar Lens 38mm f/2.8
16 sheaf - связка, пучок staggering - ошеломляющий
The Deeres and Caterpillars parading - two of the largest heavy-equipment manufacturers in the world
legislature - законодательный орган
Agent Orange - tactical herbicide used by the U.S. military for control of vegetation. It was named for the orange band around the storage barrel. The military sprayed Agent Orange and other tactical herbicides during the Vietnam War. Veterans who may have been exposed to Agent Orange include Veterans who served in locations including Vietnam, the Korean Demilitarized Zone, on Thai Air Force bases, and others who flew on or worked on C-123 Aircraft.
hushed-up - замалчиваемый lingering - затяжной elopement - побег
Degloving occurs when a part of the skin, with or without the underlying soft tissue, becomes wholly or partially detached from the body, like a glove stripped off a hand.
auger - шнек, бур dispersal - рассеивание
grudge - обида forbearance - терпение fissured - в трещинах
17 confined to bed - прикован к постели exuberant - буйный, цветистый carols - рождественские гимны
18 curdled milk - простокваша prowling - бродить shed - сарай moldy - заплесневелый rolltop desk - стол с выдвижной крышкой attic - чердак skittle - кегля
[[Corinthian Columns]] - decorative, bell-shaped capital with volutes, two rows of acanthus leaves and an elaborate cornice. In many instances, the column is fluted.