Author: [[Homer*]]
English version translated by Richmond Lattimore. 1965.
Book I.
Invocation and part summary—council of the gods—Athene visits [[Telemachos]] in Ithaka and urges him to go in search of his father—the suitors feast in the house of [[Telemachos]].
Book II
Assembly on Ithaka—[[Telemachos]] publicly requests the suitors to go home—secret departure of [[Telemachos]] and [[Athene]].
Book III
[[Athene]] and [[Telemachos]] arrive in [[Pylos]]—entertainment by [[Nestor]] and his family—[[Telemachos]] and [[Peisistratos]] leave for [[Sparta]].
Book IV
Arrival at [[Sparta]]—entertainment by [[Menelaos]] and [[Helen]]—the wanderings of [[Menelaos]]—report that [[Odysseus]] is on [[Kalypso]]’s island—at [[Ithaka]] the suitors learn of [[Telemachos]]’ departure and lay an ambush for him.
Book V
Council of the gods—[[Hermes]] tells [[Kalypso]] to let [[Odysseus]] go—he sails on a raft but is wrecked by [[Poseidon]]—he swims ashore on [[Scheria]].
Book VI
[[Odysseus]] encounters [[Nausikaa]], the princess of the [[Phaiakians]], and is accepted as a guest.
Book VII
Reception of [[Odysseus]] by [[Alkinoös]] and [[Arete]].
[[Odysseus]] at the games of the [[Phaiakians]]—he is asked to tell his name and his story.
Book IX
The wanderings of [[Odysseus]]—the raid on the [[Kikonians]]—the Lotus-Eaters—the adventure with [[Polyphemos]] the [[Cyclops]].
Book X
The wanderings of [[Odysseus]]—[[Aiolos]] and the bag of winds—[[Odysseus]] blown back to sea after sighting Ithaka—the adventure with the [[Laistrygones]]—[[Circe]]’s island—the men transformed and restored.
Book XI
The wanderings of [[Odysseus]]—voyage to the land of the dead—interviews—[[Elpenor]]—[[Teiresias]]—[[Antikleia]]—the heroines—interlude in [[Scheria]]—interviews—the heroes—return to [[Circe]].
Book XII
The wanderings of [[Odysseus]]—the [[Sirens]]—[[Skylla and Charybdis]]— [[the cattle of Helios]]—loss of the last ship and all the companions—[[Odysseus]] rescued by [[Kalypso]]—end of his story to the [[Phaiakians]].
Return of [[Odysseus]] to [[Ithaka]]—he is landed, alone—strange return of the Phaiakian ship—[[Athene]] comes to [[Odysseus]] and advises him.
Book XIV
Odysseus received by [[Eumaios]]—he tells [[Eumaios]] the (false) story of his life.
Book XV
[[Telemachos]], urged by [[Athene]], leaves [[Sparta]]—from [[Pylos]], he sails for home—[[Odysseus]] still with [[Eumaios]]—life story of [[Eumaios]]—[[Telemachos]] eludes the ambush and reaches [[Ithaka]].
Book XVI
[[Telemachos]] visits [[Eumaios]]—[[Odysseus]] reveals himself to [[Telemachos]]—[[Penelope]] and the suitors learn that [[Telemachos]] has returned—night at the house of [[Eumaios]].
Return of [[Telemachos]] to his house—[[Odysseus]], disguised as a beggar, goes to the house with [[Eumaios]]—[[Odysseus]] begs from the suitors.
Fight between [[Odysseus]] and [[Iros]]—[[Penelope]] appears briefly before the suitors—after disorderly incidents the suitors go home.
Book XIX
Interview by night between [[Odysseus]] and [[Penelope]]—[[Odysseus]] almost betrayed by his scar—the story of the scar—plan for the test of the bow.
Book XX
Next morning all the principals gather in the house.
Book XXI
The test of the bow—the suitors fail—[[Odysseus]] succeeds.
The killing of the suitors—punishment of the faithless maids and thrall.
Recognition of [[Odysseus]] by [[Penelope]]—reunion—Odysseus goes to [[Laertes]]’ farm.
The heroes of [[Troy]] learn the story from the ghosts of the suitors—[[Odysseus]] reveals himself to [[Laertes]]—burial of the suitors by their relatives, who plan revenge—final combat between [[Odysseus]] and his party and the relatives of the suitors—peace imposed by [[Athene]].