
Author: [[Stephen Fry*]]



Aceso, 253 Acheron, river, 62, 143 Achilles: born to Thetis, 71 Acis, 349-50 Acrisius, king of Argos, 297 Actaeon, 244-5 Adamanthea, 30, 33 Admetus, king of Thessaly, 254-5 Adonis, 327-8 Aeacus, 143 Aegacon (or Briareos), 8 Aegina, 270 aegis, 87n Aegyptus, 209 Aeolus, 264 Aesop, 18n Aether (ight) origins, 5-6 movements, 16-17, 35 Agamemnon, 26zn agape, 159 Agave (wife of Pentheus), 227, 230, 235, 241П Agenor, king of Tyre, 210-II Aglaea, 5o Aglauros, 194-5 Alcathoe, 298 & n Alexander the Great, 383 Algos (Pain), 137 Alma Mater, 126 Alopex Teumesios (Teumessian Fox), 313-14 alphabet, 212-13 Amalthea (goat), 28, 30, 32 ambrosia, 80 Ameinias, 338 Ampelos, 239 Amphidamas, 216-18 Amphilogiai (Disputes), 137 Amphion, 225, 283-5 Amphithea, 269 Amphitrite, IIn, 64 Androktasiai (Manslaughters), 137 anemones, 329 Anteros, 157 anthropos, 125 & n Anticlea, 26gn Antigone (of Troy), 296 Antiope, 225, 283-4 Apate (or Fraus; Deceit), 17 Aphrodite (or Venus) beauty, 24-s, 86, 92n birth, 25 Zeus collects from Cyprus, 68 union with Ares (Mars), 70 wedding feast with Hephaestus, 75 liaison with Hermes, 194 attended by Erotes, 157 as mother of Eros, 158 jealousy of Psyche, 160-1, 185 and Eros’s withdrawal, 182 sets Psyche impossible tasks, 183-5 and Zeus’s reuniting Eros and Psyche, 186 as supposed mother of Harmonia, 213n lends girdle to Harmonia, 225-6 gives birth to Priapus, 242 deprives Eos of finding joy in love, 317 creates incestuous desire in Smyrna, 325-6 love affair with Adonis, 327-8 protects Echo, 333 frees Echo of body, 343 and sexual licence in Cyprus, 352 and Pygmalion’s sculpture, 354, 357-9 festival in Cyprus, 357 Apollo birth, 92 qualities, 95-6, 241 slays Python and sent to exile, 97 and Delphic oracle, 98-9 white cattle stolen by Hermes, 103-8 and creation of human race, 126 falls for Persephone, 149 drives sun chariot, 197-9, 308 as father of Phaeton, 197-20I and Phaeton’s driving chariot, 201-4 and death of Phaeton, 208 takes Coronis as lover, 250 at birth of Asclepius, 25I kills Cyclopes and punished by Zeus, 254 slays Otus and Ephialtes, 260 Niobe on, 284 musical competition with Marsyas, 288-91 depicted in Arachne’s weaving, 298 love for Hyacinthus, 324 love for Daphne, 35I Pan challenges to musical competition, 390-1 Apollodorus of Athens, 407 Apple of Discord, 18 Apuleius: The Golden Ass, 160, 407 Aquarius (constellation), 308 Arachne weaving duel with Athena, 292-9 suicide, 299 transformed into spider, 300 Ararat, Mount, 140n Arcas, 303 Ares (or Mars) born, 69 qualities, 69, 87 fails to free Hera, 72-3 at Aphrodite’s wedding to Hephaestus, 76 as father of Eros, 158 as supposed father of Harmonia, 213n and killing of Ismenian Dragon, 220-1, 224, 228, 244 and disappearance of Thanatos (Death), 275 and Sisyphus’s avoiding death, 280 jealousy of Adonis, 327 Arestor, 189 Arges born, 8 Apollo kills, 254 Argonauts, 260 Argos, 189 Arguros, 375-9 Argus (Panoptes), 191-2 Arion (horse), 6s Arion (musician), 363-72 Aristaeus, 244, 400 Aristides, king, 160, 162-3, 170 Arne of Thessaly, 298 Arsippe, 298n Artemis (or Diana) birth, 92 demands to be huntress and to remain chaste, 94 qualities, 110 Actaeon discovers bathing, 244-s attacks Phlegyantis palace with plague arrows, 250 Niobe on, 284 kills Niobe’s sons and daughters, 285 expels Callisto, 303 cares for Procris, 312 jealosy of Adonis, 327 Asclepius birth, 251 medical skills, 251-2 administers Gorgon’s blood, 253 killed by Zeus, 294 healing temples (asclepia), 255 raised to heavens as constellation Ophiuchus, 25 5 Asia see Clymene Asia, 196n Asopos, 225, 269-70 Asphodel, Meadows of, 60, 144 Assaracus, 306 Asteria, 297 Astrapos, 575-8 Athamas, 260, 264 Athena (or Minerva) birth, 8s qualities, 85-7, 110 and owl, 86 kills friend Pallas and bears name, 87-8 beauty, 92n and Zeus’s creation of mankind, 121-3 breathes life into first human figures, 123, 126 teaches first female human, 132 and birth of Erechtheus, 193-4, 196, 381 Erechtheum, 194 and founding of Athens, 194 rewards Asclepius with gift of Gorgon’s blood, 252, 254 invents aulos, 286 weaving duel with Arachne, 294-6 gives olive to Athens, 381 Athens, 85-6, 194, 381 Atlantis, 55 Atlas fate (to hold up sky), 13, 54-5 seven daughters (the Pleiades), 100, 213 born to Clymene, 196n, 395 Atreus, house of, 262n Atropos, SI Auden, W.H., 47 Aulocrene, Lake, 288 Auloniades, $4 aulos (wind instrument), 286-9 Auriga (constellation), 209 Aurora see Eos Autolycus, 268-9 Autonoë, 227, 230, 235, 24In, 244 Auxesia (or Auxo), sI


Babylon, 345 Bacchus see Dionysus Baucis, 374-8 bees, 78-9 Boeotia, 219 Boreas, 360 Bosch, Hieronymus, 256 Bosporus, 192 botrys, 240 Briareos see Aegaeon bride-price, 256-7 Bronte family: name, 8n Brontes, 128, 294 brontosaurus, 8n Broteas, 261n Byron, George Gordon, 6th Baron swims Hellespont, 361 Don Juan, 144n, 361 Byzas, 193


Cadmean Vixen see Alopex Teumessios Cadmus (Kadmos) seeks sister Europa, 210-21 travels with Harmonia, 213-24, 228 sows dragon’s teeth, 222-4 founds Thebes, 224-5, 381 marriage and children with Harmonia, 225-7 changed into snake, 228-9 returned to human form for death, 229 dynasty, 244 and Cilix, 345 caduceus, 252n Calanthe, 160, 162-3, 169-76, 181-2 Calasso, Roberto, 214, 226n Callimachus, 29 gn Calliope (Muse of epic poetry), 47, 49, 289 Callirrhoë, 306 Callisto, 302-3 Calypso, In Campbell, Joseph, 408 Canis Major (constellation), 314 Canis Minor (constellation), 314 Carpo, 51 Cassandra, 330 Castaliaz: spring water, 98-9 catasterism, 209n catharsis, 257 Cecropia (city) see Athens Cenchreis, queen of Theias of Cyprus, 325 Centauros, 258 Cephalus, 309-15 Cephissus, 33I Cerberus see Kerberos Ceres see Demeter chaffinches, 334-6 Chaos, 3-5, 45 charisma, 8gn Charities (or Gratiae; the Three Graces, 50-1, I32 Charon birth, 18 appointed ferryman of underworld, 62, 143 and Sisyphus, 278, 280 Charybdis, 302 Chiron, 239, 244, 251-2, 259n, 400 Chloris, 239n Chthonius, 224 Cilicia, 215, 345 Cilix, 210, 214, 345 Cleitus, 317, 319 Clio (Muse of history), 47 Clotho, s1, 262 Clymene (or Asia) consorts with lapetus, 10 offspring, 54, 138, 140, 196n, 395 as mother of Phaeton, 196-7, 200 Clytemnestra, 262n Clytius, 400 Cocytus, 62 Coeus birth, 7 daughter Leto, 81 Colophon (lonia), 292-3 Concordia see Harmonia Cornucopia, 32 Coronis, princess of Phlegyantis, 250-1 Corvis, the Crow, 251 Cosmos, 4, 45-6 Cottus, 8 Creon, 313 Crete, 28, 212-I3 Cretheus, 264, 267 Crius birth, 7 declines to kill Ouranos, 12-13 Crocus, 325 Cupid see Eros Cyclopes born, 8, 23, 44 rewarded by Zeus, 57 create trident for Poseidon, 64 assist Hephaestus, 74, 128 Cygnus (or Cycnus), 199, 208 Cyllene, Mount (now Mount Kyllini), 100, 103-4 Cyprus (island) and birth of Aphrodite (Venus), 25 creates incestuous desire in Smyrna, 325 as island of free love, 352 worships Aphrodite, 352, 357 Cythera (island), 24


Dalmatae, 228n Damaris, queen, I60, 162-3, 170 Damysus, 400 Dante Alighieri: Inferno, 6in, 250, 398 Daphne, 351 Daphnis, 352n Dardanus, 213 death and the dead, 142-s see also Thanatos Deioneus, king of Phocis, 257 Delos, 91, 97, 99 Delphi (formerly Pytho): oracle, 98, 215, 265-6, 405 Delphinus (constellation), 372 Demeter (or Ceres) Kronos swallows, 27 spewed out by Kronos, 38 Poseidon invents horse for, 64 qualities, 65, 246 and bountiful Mother Earth, 126, 149, 373 and daughter Persephone, 149-51, 262 and Persephone’s periodic return, 153, 373 and Phaeton’s driving chariot, 208 wreaks vengeance on Erysichthon, 246-9 and absence of Death, 275 jealousy of Adonis, 327 temple in Eumeneia, 373 demure (word), 89-90nn Deucalion, 138-41, 264 Dia, queen of Ixion of the Lapiths, 257 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 343 Diana see Artemis Diké (or Justitia; goddess of justice), S1, 275 Dione, queen of Tantalus of Lydia, 261 Dionysus (or Bacchus) birth, 238, 270 makes wine, 239-40 passion for Ampelos, 239 qualities, 241-2 admitted to Olympian Twelve, 243 and disappearance of Thanatos, 274 depicted in Arachne’s weaving, 298 and Teumessian Fox, 313 Theias opens shrine to, 326 Arion devotes musical talent to, 363 shrines, 374 Silenus visits, 385 grants Midas’s wish, 386-7,389 worshippers react against prudence, 398 kills Typhoeus, 400 Dis, GIn Discordia see Seris dithyramb, 363 dodecatheon: formed, 67-8, III dolphins Poseidon presents first to Amphitrite, 64 and name Delphi, 98n rescue Arion, 367-9, 372 Doom see Moros Doris, IIn, 349 Drakon Ismenios see Ismenian Dragon Drury, Henry, 36in Dryads, 54 Dryope, 154 Dysnomia (Anarchy), 137


Echidna, 14n, 62 Echion, 224, 228 Echo, 333-43 echolalia, 343 Eirene (or Pax; goddess of peace), 5I, 274 Ekdusia (festival), 350 Ekenhead, Lieutenant William, 36I Electra, 213 electrum (alloy), 389 Eliot, T.S.: The Waste Land, 330n Elis, 264 Elpis (Hope), 137, 398-9 Elysian Fields, 144 Emathion, 320 Emphytos, 400 Enceladus, 400 Endymion, 315-16 Enipeus, 298 Eos (or Aurora), 12, 203, 205, 308, 317-23 Epaphus, 193, 197-9, 209 Ephialtes, 259 Ephyra (later Corinth), 264 Epidaurus: Asclepion, 255 Epimetheus fate, 13 sides with Titans, 44 and early race of man, 127 meets and marries Pandora, 133-6 children, 138 as son of Clymene, 196n qualities, 395, 399 and creation myth, 396 Erasmus, Desiderius, 133n Erato (Muse of lyric and love poetry), 48 Erebus origins, s and coming of night, 17, 35 offspring, 17-19 Hades rules, 61 Erechtheus, 194, 196, 309 Erechthonius, 194 Eridanos, River, 208 Frigone, 298 Erinyes (or Eumenides; the Furies) birth, 22 dwell in underworld, 62, 145 Eris (or Discordia), 18 eros (form of love), 159 Eros (or Cupid) as leader of Erotes, 157 qualities, 158-9 love for Psyche, I61, 18, 169, 17,178-9180 wounded and withdraws, 182 marriage to Psyche, 186 Erotes: nature, 156 Ersa (Herse), 194-5, 308 Erysichthon, king of Thessaly (Aethon), 246-9 Eumelus of Corinth, 43n Eumeneia, 373-4, 379 Eumenides see Erinyes Eunomia (goddess of law and legislation), 51, 275 Euphrosyne (or Euthymia), 5° Euripides: Bacchae, 241n Europa, 143, 210-14, 297 Euryale, 52 Eurymedon, king of the Giants, 400 Eurynome: children by Zeus, 50 Eurynomos, I45 Euterpe (Muse of music), 48 Euthymia see Euphrosyne Evslin, Bernard: Heroes, Gods and Monsters of the Greek Myths, 408 Fates see Moirai feet: as measurement, 401 figs and fig tree, 3I1 & n, 400 fire Zeus forbids human possession, I25 Prometheus steals for mankind, 128-30 humans use, 138 Fishburne, Laurence, Ign Flora see Thallo Forster, E.M., 46 Fortunate Isles (Isles of the Blessed), 144 Frazer, James, 408 Furies, the see Erinyes Gaatea (wife of Lampros), 349-50 Gaia (earth) origins, s-6 and germination of thought and meaning, 7 union and progeny with Ouranos, 7-8 plans to kill Ouranos, 9-16, I9 and castrating of Ouranos, 21 withdraws into inaction, 25 supports Rhea against Kronos, 27-8 children by Pontus, 52 as planet Earth, 66n creates Python to protect Omphalos, 97 breath rises to Delphic oracle, 98 celebrates forming of dodecatheon, 112 and creation of humans, 126 creates new race after Great Deluge, I41, 145 gives birth to Erechtheus, 196 as mother of giants, 400 Gaiman, Neil: Sandman, 19n Galatea: and Acis, 349


Galatea (Pygmalion’s sculpture), 355-7, 359 Ganymede, 300-8 Gerana, queen of the Pygmies, 296 Geras (or Senectus; old age), 17, 19n Gigantes (Giants) birth, 22 in war with Titans, 44, 399-401 Gilbert, Albert, 157n gods origins, 39 war with Titans, 43-4, 399-400 jealousies and animosities, 221 relations with humans, 256 Greeks view as imperfect, 398 Golden Age, the, I26-7, 137 Gordias, king of Phrygia, 381-2, 384 Gordium, 381-2 knot, 382-3 Gorgons, 52-3 blood, 252-3 Graces, Three see Charities grasshoppers, 323 Gratie see Charities Graves, Robert: The Greek Myths, 408 Great Flood, 139-41 Greece extent, 210, 405 proliferation of myths and stories, 402-4 Greeks view of imperfect gods, 398 qualities, 404-s Grimm’s Law (phonetic), 401 Gyges, 8


Hades (or Pluto) Kronos swallows, 27 spewed out by Kronos, 38 given control of underworld, 60-3 fails to free Hera, 73 welcomes dead to kingdom, 142 and Elysian Fields, 144 abducts Persephone, I5I-3 Psyche enters, 185 objects to Asclepius using Gorgon’s blood to revive dead, 253-4 and return of Thanatos, 276 and Sisyphus’s avoiding death, 280 Haemus, king of Thrace, 296 Hamadryads, 54 Hamilton, Edith, 209, 406 Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes, 408 Handel, George Frederick: Acis and Galatea (opera), 349 Harmonia (or Concordia) genealogy, 213 & n travels with Cadmus, 213-24, 228 and founding of Thebes, 224-5 marriage and children with Cadmus, 225-7 given cursed necklace, 226-7 transformed into snake, 229 returned to human shape for death, 229 Hawthorne, Nathaniel Tanglewood Tales, 408 A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys, 408 hearth, 59 Hecate aids Demeter in search for Persephone, 150-1 consumes Clytius, 400 Hecatonchires sent to Tartarus, 5-6 birth, 8, 23, 55 fight for gods, 44-5, 56-7 excavate Megala Kazania, Hedone (or Voluptas), 186n Hedylogos, 157 Helicon, Mount, 46, 333-4 Helios (sun) birth, 12 reveals abduction of Persephone, I5I slow-wittedness, IsIn as supposed father of Phaeton, 197n and Phaeton’s aim to drive Apollo’s chariot, 203-5 takes over sun chariot from Apollo, 208, 308 helium, 208n Helle, 260 Hellen, 264 Hellespont (Dardanelles), 359 Hemera (day) origins, 5-6 movements, 16-17, 35 Hephaestus (or Vulcan) born, 68-9 Hera rejects, 69, 72 manufacturing skills, 71, 74 frees Hera from enchanted throne, 73 Cyclopes help, 74, 128 given workplace, 74 wedding feast with Aphrodite, 75 cures Zeus’s headache, 83-4 makes bow for Artemis, 94 as father of Erechtheus, 104, 190, 381 makes winged sandals and helmet for Hermes, 109 fashions female human, 132 passion for Athena, 194 carves shoulder for revived Pelops, 262 temple in Eumeneia, 373 attacks Mimas, 400 as mythical figure, 403 Hera Kronos swallows, 27 spewed out by Kronos, 38, 66 consorts with Zeus and bears children, 66-9 qualities, 66-7 trapped by enchanted throne, 70-2 wedding feast, 75-7, 80 jealousy of Zeus’s affairs and offspring, 89, 92-3, 240, 334 denies Leto land on which to give birth, 90-1 sends Python to kill Leto and children, 96-7, 99 meets Hermes, 108 status among gods, III-I2 gives qualities to first human female, 132 as patron deity of Argos, 189 and Zeus’s infatuation with Io, 189-92 takes revenge on Semele, 232-3, 238 dislikes Dionysus, 242-3 objects to Asclepius reviving dead, 294 Ixion attempts to seduce, 257-8 and disappearance of Death, 274-5 transforms Callisto into bear, 303 disapproves of Adonis, 327 punishes Tiresias, 330 and Tiresias’s judgement on enjoyment of SeX, 331 meets and punishes Echo, 334-6 Porphyria attempts to rape, 401 Hercules, 401 Hermaphroditus birth, 154 seduced by Salmacis and transformed, 154-6 qualities, 157 Hermes (or Mercury) birth and qualities, 100-2, I09n, II0 steals Apollo’s white cattle, 101-2, 104-8 makes lyre, 106 made messenger of the gods, 108-9 tutors first human female (Pandora), 132-3 introduces Pandora to Epimetheus, 133-4 escorts dead to Hades and Elysium, 142-3, 274 falls for Persephone, 149 escorts Persephone from Underworld, 152-3 liaison with Aphrodite, 154 as father of Pan, Dryope and Hermaphroditus, 154 fathers Silenus, 156 brings Psyche from Hades, 185 distracts and stabs Argus, 191-2 as lover of Amphion, 225, 283 helps at birth of Dionysus, 238 as father of Autolycus, 268 and organisation of Underworld, 274 and Sisyphus’s avoiding death, 280-1 takes gift from Zeus to king Tros, 307 loves Crocus, 325 visits Philemon and Baucis, 379 slays Hippolytus, 400 Hero, 360-1 Herse see Ersa Hesiod, 43n, 402-3 Erga kai Hemerai (Works and Days’), 406 Theogony (Birth of the Gods’), 406 Hesione, 138 Hesperides, 19 Hesse, Hermann: The Glass Bead Game, 99n Hestia (or Vesta) birth, 26 Kronos swallows, 26 spewed out by Kronos, 38 as goddess of the hearth, 58-60, 110 conducts wedding of Hera and Zeus, 75 chastity, 95 marks start of Reign of Twelve, III yields place to Dionysus, 242 shrines, 374 Himeros, 158 Hippocratic staff, 252n Hippolyte, 326 Hippolytus, 400 Holst, Gustav, 32n Homer, 89, 253, 403, 406 honey, 76-7, 79 hoopoe, 30g hope, 137, 398-9 Horai (hours), 51, 132 hospitality, 59n hubris, 283, 291 humankind see man Hunt, Leigh, 359n Hyacinthus, 324-5 Hyde, L.S.: Favourite Greek Myths, 408 Hydra, 62 Hygieia, 293 Hyginus, 407 Hymenaios, 158 hymenoptera (order of insects), 79 Hypaepae (Lydia), 292-3 Hyperboreans, 90 Hyperenor, 224 Hyperion, 7 Hypnos, 18, I9n Hysminai (Battles), 137 lapetus birth, 7 as lover of Clyemene, 10, 196n declines to kill Ouranos, 13 as father of Atlas, 54 offspring, 395 lasion, 213 Laso, 253 Ictys, 303-5 Ida, Mount (Phrygia), 154 & n Idmon, 292 Illyria, 228 Illyrius, 227, 230 Ilos, king of Troy, 306, 3171 Inachus, king of Argos, 189 Ino, 227, 230, 235, 24In Invidia see Nemesis Io, 189-93, 197, 212, 232 Ionia, 292-3 Iphimedia, 259 Ischys, 250 Ismenian Dragon (Drakon Ismenios), 220, 221n, 224, 228 Isthmian Games, 98n Ixion, king of the Lapiths reputation, 144 offends Zeus, 256-8 wheel of fire, 258-60 Jackson, Percy, 64 Jason and the Argonauts, 260 Jove see Zeus Jupiter see Zeus Justitia see Diké Kalamos, 239n Karpos, 239n Keats, John: Endymion, 3 16n Kerberos (or Cerberus), 62, I45 Kerényi, Károly, 29In Keres, 52, 275 Keroessa, 193 kings, 189 kithara (musical instrument), 363, 366-8, 371-2 Kronos (or Saturn) birth, 7 qualities, 14-15 Gaia persuades to kill Ouranos, 16, 19-20 castrates Ouranos, 20-1 cursed by Ouranos, 23 liaison and children with Rhea, 25-7 consumes children, 26 dominance, 26, 31, 35, 60 Rhea plots against, 27-30, 36, 96 bad temper, 35-6 spews out swallowed children, 38 war with gods, 43-4 sentenced to travel world enlessly (as ‘Old Father Time), S5-6 separates earth from heaven, 55 as great-grandfather to Cadmus, 214 Lachesis, sI Ladon, 351 Laertes, 26gn Lailaps (dog), 312-14 Lamb, Charles: The Adventures of Ulysses, 408 Lampros, 349-50 Laomedon, 317 Latona see Leto laurel tree, 351 Leander, 359-61 Leda, 297 legend, 403 Leimakides, $4 Leitao, David D.: ‘The Perils of Leukippos, 35on Lemnos (island), 7I Lerna (lake), 63 Lethe, River, 62, 144 Leto (or Latona; nymph), 81, 89-92, 284-5, 350 Letoides, 99 Leucippe, 298n Leucippos (child of Galatea, 350 Leucippos (son of Oenomaus), 351 Libya, 209, 214 Limos (Starvation), 137, 247-8 linden tree: and Baucis and Philemon, 373, 379 Liriope, 331-3 Livia, wife of emperor Augustus, 90 Longus: Daphnis and Chloe, 352n Lot and wife (Biblical figures) , 380n love, 156-7 Lovelock, James, 22n Lucifer, 6in Luna see Selene Lycaon, king of Arcadia, 139, 262, 302 Lydia, 292n Lydian mode, 283n lyre, 106 Machaon, 253 Maeander river, 287 Maenads, 24I Magnesia, Greece, 28n Maia, 100-2, 105, 107 Makhai (Wars), 137 man created by Zeus and Prometheus, 116-26 man - cont. and possession of fire, 125, 127 Golden Age of innocence, 126-7 female fashioned by Hephaestus, 132 multiplies, 138-9 new race created after Great Flood, 141-2 given attributes by Prometheus, 390-7 Margaret (heron), 76 Marlowe, Christopher, 359n, 36on Mars see Ares Marsyas conceitedness, 286 plays aulos, 287 musical competition with Apollo, 288-91 flayed by Apollo, 291, 39I meaning: beginnings, 7 measurement (Greek), 401 Mediterranean world: drowned by Zeus, 139 Medusa, 52 Megaera (jealous rage), 22 Megala Kazania, 110, I IIn, 128 Melantho, 298 Melia, queen consort of Inachus, 189 Meliae (nymphs), 22, 28, 30, 35, 54 Melissa, 76-9 Melops, 265-6 Melpomene (Muse of tragedy), 48-9 Memnon, 320 Memphis, 209 Menoetius, S4n, 196n, 395 Merops, 196, 199 Mesopotamia, 11gn Mestra, 248-9 Methe, queen of Staphylos of Assyria, 240 Metis, 33-5, 38, 44, 81-5, 88-9, I31, I38 Midas, king of Phrygia wish to make gold turns to curse, 383-9 curse lifted, 389-90 follows Pan, 390 supports Pan in musical competiion with Apollo, 391 grows asses’ ears, 391-4 Mimas, 400 Minerva see Athena Minos, king of Crete, 143, 301-2 Minyades, 298 Miseria see Oizys Mnemosyne birth, 7 declines to kill Ouranos, I1 expanding knowledge and memory, 11 gives birth to Muses, 46 Moirai (fates), 51-2, 244, 33211 Molios, 400 Momos, 18 mores, 12n Moros (Doom) birth, 17 and upbringing of Zeus, 31 Morpheus, 18 Muses: born to Mnemosyne, 46-7 music, 363 Mycene, 189 myrrh tree, 327 Myrthe see Smyrna myths atiological, 3orn nature of, 402-4, 406 Mytikos (mountain peak), 127 Naiad (moon), 64 Naiads, 53 narcissism, 343-4 Narcissus, 331-2, 337-43 Nature spirits of, $3-4 see also Gaia nectar, 80 Neikea (Quarrels), 137 Nemean Games, 98n Nemesis (or Invidia), 18 Nephele, 210, 258, 260 Neptune see Poseidon Nereids, 11n, 53 Nereus: marriage and children with Doris, IIn, 349 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 399 nightingales, 305 Nilus birth, 10, lin offspring, 210 Ninus, king of Assyria, 346 Niobe, 261, 283 Niobids, 283 Nisus, king of Megara, 301-2 Noah (Biblical figure), 140n Nonnus of Panopolis: Dionysiaca, 239n Notus, 360 Nycteus, 284 Nyctimus, 139 nymphs, 53-4 Nysus, 238 Nyx origins, 5 and coming of night, 17, 35 offspring, 17-19 daughters (Moirai or Fates and Keres), 51-2 Hades rules, 6I gives birth to Eros, 158 oak tree: and Baucis and Philemon, 373, 379 O’ Casey, Sean: Juno and the Paycock, 192n Oceanids (sea nymphs), 10, 50, 93 Oceanus birth, 7 and Gaia’s plot against Ouranos, 10 Odysseus (or Ulysses), 26gn Oenone (island), 270 Offenbach, Jacques: Daphnis and Chloë, 352n Oizys (or Miseria), I oligarchy, 225n olive tree, 86-7, 381 Olympic Games, 98n Olympus, Mount as headquarters of gods, 68, I11 numbers of gods, 99-101, 242-3 Omphalos, 97-8 Oncaea, 363 Oneroi (bringers of dreams), 18 Oppel, Albert, 323n Oreads, 53 Orestes, 262n Orpheus: parentage, 49 Ossa, Mount, 260 Othrys, Mount, 9, 16, 28-30, 35, 39 Otus, 259 Ouranos (sky) origins, 6 union and progeny with Gaia, 7 Gaia plans to kill, 9-16, 19 castrated by Kronos, 20-2 blood generates vengeful beings, 22, 400 curses Kronos, 23 imprisoned in earth, 24 organs of generation scattered, 24 supports Rhea against Kronos, 27-8 separates earth from heaven, 55 celebrates forming of dodecatheon, 112 and Cadmus’s genealogy, 214 Ovid on deluge, 140n on Phaeton’s parentage, 197n on Ismenian dragon, z2In on Zeus’s rescue of baby Dionysus, 238n calls Dionysus Liber’, 241n on Actaeon’s hounds, 245n on decline of Limos, 248 on Venus and Adonis, 329n on Pyramus and Thisbe, 345 Ars Amatoria, 407 Heroides, 407 Metamorphoses, 327n, 329n, 407 owl (bird), 86 Pactolus, River, 389 palladium, 286n Pallas (Triton’s daughter), 87 Pan (or Faunus) born, 154 & n and Psyche, 180-1 offspring, 349 challenges Apollo to musical competition, 390-1 Midas follows, 390 Panacea, 253 Pandia, 308 Pandion, king of Athens, 303 Pandion of Phaestos, 349 Pandora, 132-8, 140, I42, 398-9, 407 Pandrosia (festival), 195n Pandrosos, 194, 195n Panhellenic Games, 98n Panopeus, 119 Paphos, 359 Paraclete (Holy Spirit), 5° Parnassus, Mount, 46, 140 parthenogenesis, sn parthenos, 88n Paul, St: Letter to the Corinthians, 159n Pausanias, 119, 407 Pax see Eirene peacock, 192 Pegacae, 53 Pelagon, king of Phocis, 216-18 Pelasgos, Pelasgians, 139, 14I Pelion, Mount, 259-60 Pelops, 261-2, 283 Pelor, 224 Pentheus, 227-8, 230, 24In Periander, tyrant of Corinth, 363, 368-72 Persephone (or Proserpina) born, 65 beauty, 149 abducted by Hades, I51-3, 262 six-monthly return to Earth, 153-4, 210, 373 and return of Thanatos, 276 answers Sisyphus’s request, 278-80 supposedly taken by Zeus, 298 Phaestos, 350 Phaeton drives chariot of the sun, 196-207, 210 death, 208 placed among stars, 209 phaéton (carriage), 209 Phantasos, 18 Philemon, 374-8 philia (form of love), I59 Philomela, 303-5 Phlegethon, 62 Phlegyantis, 250 Phobetor, 18 Phocian Games, 216-17 Phocis, 146, 216-17 Phoebe birth, 7 declines to kill Ouranos, 12 daughter Leto, 81 Phoenicians, 212-13 Phoenix, 210, 212, 214 Phoitios, 400 Phonoi (Murders), 137 Phorcys, 52 Phrixus, 260 Phrygia, 373, 382, 384 Phylira, 259n Pieria, Thessaly, 46 Plato: Protagoras, 395 Pleiades (or Atlantides), 100, 213 Pleione, 100, 213 Pluto see Hades Podalirius, 253 polis (Greek city state), 225n Polybotes, 400 Polydorus, 227, 230 Polyhymnia (Muse of hymns), 49 Polyphemus, 349 Ponos (Hardship), 137 Pontus (sea) origins, 5-6 children by Gaia, 52 Pope, Alexander, 46n Porphyrion, 401 Poseidon (or Neptune) Kronos swallows, 27 spewed out by Kronos, 38 given control of sea, 6o-1 character, 63-4 invents horse, 64 offspring, 64, 349, 363 fails to free Hera, 73 and patronage of city Cecropia, 86 Leto appeals to for help, 91 as Cadmus’s grandfather, 214 as lover of Mestra, 249 Iphimedia’s infatuation with, 259 as lover of Pelops, 262 depicted in Arachne’s weaving, 298 Potameides, 53 Pothos, 158 Praxithea, 309 Priapus, 242 Primordial Deities, 5 Procne, 303-4 Procris, 309-12, 314-15 Prometheus punished by Zeus, 13, 13 1, 145-8 sides with Titans, 44 rewarded by Zeus, 56 and Zeus’s headache, 83 qualities, IIS, 395 fashions human beings for Zeus, 116-27, 146 steals fire for mankind. 128-30, 395 birth of son Deucalion, 138 builds wooden chest with Deucalion, 138-9 encourages civilization among mankind, 146, 398 comforts Io, 192-3 as son of Clymene, 196n grants attributes to mankind, 396-7 in Hesiod, 406 prophets, 330 Propoetides, 352-3 Proserpina see Persephone Proteus: moon, 64 Pseudea (Lies), 137 Pseudo-Apollodorus: Bibliotheca (attrib.), 407 Psyche beauty, I6o Eros falls for, 161 offered for sacrifice, 162-3 carried to Eros’s palace, 164-7 Eros makes love to invisibly, 167-9 returns home, 170 sisters accompany to Eros’s palace and plot against, 171-8 spies on Eros, 178-80 takes revenge on sisters, 181-2 Aphrodite sets impossible tasks, 182-5 marriage and child with Eros, 185-6 Pygmalion, 352-9 Pyramus: and Thisbe, 345-8 Pyrtha, 138-41, 264 Pythia (priestess), 98 Pythian Games, 98 Pytho see Delphi Python, 96-8 Rhadamanthus, 143, 212 Rhea birth, 7 declines to kill Ouranos, I3 relations and children with Kronos, Ig, 25-7 plots and acts against Kronos, 27-30, 36-9, 96 gives birth to Zeus, 30 instructs son Zeus, 32-4 Rhesus, king of Thrace, 48 Rhodope, queen of Thrace, 296 Robin Hood, 402 Russell, Bertrand: History of Western Philosopby, 397 Sabazios, 38 in Sahara desert, 207 Salmacis, 154-9 Salmoneus, 264-7 Samothrace, 213-14 Sarpedon, 212 Sartre, Jean-Paul: Les Mains Sales, 228n Sato, 173, 181 Saturn see Kronos Schlegel, Friedrich von, 401 Scylla, princess of Megara, 302 Scylla (sea monster), 30zn seasons: coming of, 153, 210 Selene (or Luna; moon) birth, 12 and Helios, 203, 209 punishes Ampelos, 239 drives moon chariot, 308 falls for Cephalus, 309-10, 3I5 desire for Endymion, 315-16 Semele, 227, 229-38, 269 Semiramis, queen of Assyria, 346 Senectus see Geras Seven Sages of Greece, 363n Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of, 1s7n Shakespeare, William influenced by Ovid, 407 As You Like It, 362 Henry V, 47 King Lear, 26on Macbeth, I5I A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 3150, 3470 Much Ado About Nothing, 362 ‘Sonnet CII, 30sn Twelfth Night, 228 Venus and Adonis, 329n Tbe Winter’s Tale, 268n Shaw, George Bernard: Pygmalion, 359n Sibyl, 98 Silenus birth, 156 tutors Dionysus, 238, 241 meets Midas, 384-5 Silver Age, 138, I45, 154 sinners: treatment at death, 144 Sipylus, Mount (now Mount Spil), 285-6 Sirens: parentage, 48 Sisyphus, 144, zбon, 264-73, 275-8 Skolio (mountain peak), 127-8 Smilax, 325 Smyrna (Myrthe, Myrrha), 325-7 Socrates, 363n, 396, 404 Sodom and Gomorrah, 38on Sophocles, 18n spider: Arachne transformed into, 300 Staphylos, king of Assyria, 240 Stefani (mountain peak), 127 Steropes born, 8 Apollo kills, 254 Stheno, 52 storge (form of love), 159 Strymon (river god), 48 Styx, river, in, 62, 143, 237 swans, 208 Syceus, 400 sycophant, zIn Symaethis, 349 Tagides, 53n tantalus (decanter-holder), 263n Tantalus, king of Lydia, I44, 261-3 tarantella, 304 Tarentum, 363-4 Tartarus origins, 5, 14 relations with Kronos, I3 dwelling, 14, 44 Telephassa, queen of Agenor of Tyre, 210-1I Telesphorus, 253 Telmissus, 382 Tennyson, Alfred, Ist Baron: “Tithonus’, 323 Tereus, king of Thrace, 303- Terpsichore (Muse of dance), 48-9 Tethys birth, 7 and Gaia’s plot against Ouranos, 10 Thalassa (sea) origins, 6 negotiates with Oceanus and Tethys, 10 Thalia (daughter of Euronyme and Zeus), 50 Thalia (Muse of comedy and idyllic poetry), 49 Thallo (or Flora), sI Thamyris of Thrace, 43n Thanatos (Death) name, I9 under Hades’ rule, 62 accompanies dead, 143 impossible to avoid, I45 deceived by Sisyphus, 271-4 released, 275-6 takes Sisyphus to Hades, 277 • Thasos, 210, 214 Thebes founded by Cadmus, 224-5, 381 Pentheus rules, 230 scourged by fox, 313 Theia birth, 7 declines to kill Ouranos, II-I2 Theias, king of Cyprus, 325-6 Themis birth, 7 declines to kill Ouranos, 12 Horai (daughters), sI and Pythian oracle, 98, 140 theoxenia, 38on Theseus, 64 Thespiae, 333 Thetis, 71 Thisbe: and Pyramus, 345-8 Thoon, 400 Thoosa, 349 threes and threesomes, 50-3 thyrsus, 241 Time: beginnings, 4-5, 7 Tiresias, 330-3 Tisiphone (vengeance), 22 Titans Kronos leads, 23, 3I, 33 and rise of gods, 39 war with gods (Titanomachy), 43-5, 50, 53, 68, 400 defeated, $4 punished and rewarded, 55-6 Tithonus, 317-23 Tmolus, 284, 391 Triton born, 64 moon, 64 declines to drown Zeus, 83 Tros, king of Troy, 305-7 Troy (Troad, Ilium), 305, 406 Tyndareus, 297 Typhoeus, 400 Typhon birth, 14 offspring, 6z tyrannos, 225n tyrant: meaning, 363n Tyro, 265-7, 276, 298 Udaeus, 224 Ulysses see Odysseus Underworld: Hades given control of, 60 universe: origins, 3 Urania Muse of astronomy and stars), 50 uranium, 24 Ursa Major (constellation), 303 Ursa Minor (constellation), 303 Valkyries, 52 Venus see Aphrodite Vesta see Hestia Vestal Virgins, 59 Virgil, 143n Voluptas see Hedone Vulcan see Hephaestus wine: Dionysus makes, 239-40 women: created, 132, 138 writing, 213n xenia (hospitality), sgn, 256-8, 270, 3 11, 378, 385 Zephyrus, 164, 169, 171, 173-4, 239П, 324, 360 Zethus, 225 Zeus (upiter or Jove) birth and infancy, 30-1 appearance and character, 31-2 growth to manhood, 31-2 taught by Metis, 33-5 and mother’s plot against Kronos, 35-8 in war with Titans, 43-4 as father of Muses, 49 inherits rich natural world, 54 sentences Atlas, ss promiscuity, son, 68,89 and hospitality, sgn rewards Hades and Poseidon, 60 pursues Demeter, 6s union with Hera, 66-7 forms assembly of twelve gods (dodecatheon), 67-8, III and Third Order of divine beings, 68 and Hephaestus’s trapping of Hera, 73 wedding to Hera, 75-80 and Melissa’s honey, 77-80 makes love to Metis, 81-2 passion for Leto, 81, 89-91 suffers headache from Metis, 83-4 gives birth to Athena, 8s infatuated with Athena, 87 guided by Metis from within, 88-9 loves and protects Artemis, 92-4 exiles Apollo, 97-8 accepts Hermes as messenger of gods, 108 rule, III-12, 149 relations with Prometheus, II5-16, I28 proposes creating mankind, 117-26 and Prometheus’s theft of fire, 130 gives container to Pandora, 133, 135, I37 turns Lycaon into wolf, 139 punishes Prometheus, 145-8 Eros tells of Psyche, 189 Zeus Jupiter or Jove) - cont. affair with Io, 189-93 as father of Epaphus, 197 carries off Europa as bull, 212 fathers Amphion and Zethus, 225 returns Cadmus and Harmonia to human shape for death, 229 love affair with Semele, 230-2 punishes Apollo, 254 invites Ixion to Olympus, 257-8 kills Asclepius for reviving dead, 264 abducts Aegina, 270 punishes Sisyphus, 270-1 and disappearance of Thanatos (Death, 275 and Sisyphus’s avoiding death, 280 Arachne depicts promiscuity in weaving competition, 297 ravishes Callisto, 303 love for Ganymede, 307-8 turns Lailaps and Cadmean Vixen to stone, 314 grants Eos immortality for Tithonus, 319-20 liaisons with nymphs at Mount Helicon, 333-5 visits Philemon and Baucis, 379 denies hope to mankind, 398 kills Porphyrion, 401 Zeus Sabazios, 381-2 Zona, 160, 162-3, 169-70, 182