Finished: January [[Invitation to a Beheading]] by [[Vladimir Nabokov]] [[Heroes. Mortal and Monsters. Quests and Adventures]] by [[Stephen Fry*]] [[The Metamorphosis *]] by [[Franz Kafka]]
February: [[Dubliners ]] by [[James Joyce]] [[Hobbit. There and back again]] by [[J.R.R. Tolkien*]]
Reading now: [[The Overstory ]] by [[Richard Powers]] [[The Secret History]] by [[Donna Tartt]] [[Blue. The History of a Color *]] by [[Michel Pastoureau]] [[How to Read a Book. The Classic Guide to Intelligent Reading]] by [[Mortimer J. Adler]] and [[Charles van Doren]] [[Doctor Zhivago *]] by [[Boris Pasternak]] [[Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone]] by [[J.K. Rowling]] [[48 Laws of Power]] by [[Robert Greene]]
Planned next:
[[A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man]] by [[James Joyce]] [[Ulysses *]] by [[James Joyce]] [[The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha ]] Part 2 by [[Miguel de Cervantes]] [[The Stand]] by [[Stephen King]]
[[Devine Comedy]] by [[Dante Alighieri]] [[Medieval Europe]] by [[Chris Wickham]] [[Illiad]] by [[Homer*]] [[Madame Bovary]] by [[Gustave Flaubert]]
Want to Read: [[Pnin]] by [[Vladimir Nabokov]] [[Pale Fire]] by [[Vladimir Nabokov]] [[Ada or Ardor: Family Chronicle]] by [[Vladimir Nabokov]] [[Lolita]] by [[Vladimir Nabokov]] [[Catch-22]] by [[Joseph Heller]] [[Gravity’s Rainbow]] by [[Thomas Pynchon]] Plague by Albert Camus Gargantua and Pantagruel by François Rabelais
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